Mega Code Archive

1) Android
2) ASP.Net
3) ASP.Net Tutorial
4) C
5) C Tutorial
6) C#
7) C# Book
8) C# by API
9) C# Tutorial
10) C++
11) C++ Tutorial
12) Delphi
13) Flash ActionScript
14) Flex
15) Java
16) Java Book
17) Java by API
18) Java Tutorial
19) JavaScript DHTML
20) JavaScript Reference
21) JavaScript Tutorial
22) MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
23) MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
24) MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
26) MSSQL Tutorial
27) MySQL
28) MySQL Tutorial
29) Oracle PLSQL
30) Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
31) Perl
32) Php
33) PostgreSQL
34) Python
35) Python Tutorial
36) Ruby
37) Silverlight
38) VB.Net
39) VB.Net by API
40) VB.Net Tutorial
41) Visual C++ .NET
42) VisualBasic Script
43) XML
44) XML Tutorial
VB.Net Tutorial
1) 2D Graphics
2) Attributes
3) Class Module
4) Collections
5) Data Type
6) Database ADO Net
7) Date Time
8) Design Patterns
9) Development
10) Event
11) Generics
12) GUI
13) GUI Applications
14) Internationlization
15) Language Basics
16) LINQ
17) Operator
18) Reflection
19) Regular Expressions
20) Security
21) Socket Network
22) Statements
23) Stream File
24) Thread
25) Windows
26) WPF
27) XML
Stream File
1) Append to a text file
2) Binary serialization and deserialization for a derived Class
3) Binary serialization for a Class with ISerializable implementation
4) Catch file related exceptions
5) Check Exception in file reading
6) Class binary deserialization
7) Class binary Serialization
8) Convert String to ASCII byte code array and save
9) Convert String to Unicode byte code array and save
10) Copy a file
11) Create a directory
12) Create DirectoryInfo and get its parent and root
13) Create File with FileMode CreateNew
14) Create IsolatedStorageFile
15) Create IsolatedStorageFileStream
16) Create StreamReader from FileStream
17) Create StreamWriter from FileStream
18) Delete a file
19) Delete a file with kill
20) Deserialization Callback
21) DirectoryInfo
22) Drive TotalFreeSpace, AvailableFreeSpace and TotalSize
23) DriveInfo
24) DriveInfo GetDrives
25) File copy
26) File Creation, Last Write and Last Access time
27) File Exists
28) File system watcher
29) FileAttributes
30) FileInfo IsReadOnly, FileAttributes Hidden
31) FileMode Open with FileAccess Read
32) FileMode OpenOrCreate
33) Files Attributes
34) FileStream Length
35) FileSystem ReadAllText
36) Find in files
37) Get all directories under current directory
38) Get all files under a directory and output file name
39) Get current Drive
40) Get CurrentDirectory
41) Get directories under current directory with condition
42) Get Directory and Files in an IsolatedStorageFile
43) Get Directory contents
44) Get Directory Creation Time
45) Get File Attributes as a string
46) Get file Creation Time, Last Access Time and Modified Time
47) Get file extension name
48) Get file size
49) Get files under a directory with condition
50) Get files under My Computer FileSystem SpecialDirectories MyDocuments
51) Get FileSystemInfos
52) Get FileVersionInfo
53) Get Logical drives
54) Implements a TextWriterTraceListener to write to the console screen
55) List all available Drives
56) Log file with StreamWriter and StreamReader
57) Move a File
58) Move a file with File Move
59) My Computer FileSystem CurrentDirectory
60) My Computer FileSystem DirectoryExists
61) My Computer FileSystem FileExists(FileName)
62) My Computer FileSystem FindInFiles
63) My Computer FileSystem GetFileInfo(File Name)
64) My Computer FileSystem GetParentPath
65) My Computer FileSystem ReadAllText
66) My Computer FileSystem SpecialDirectories AllUsersApplicationData
67) My Computer FileSystem SpecialDirectories CurrentUserApplicationData
68) My Computer FileSystem SpecialDirectories Desktop
69) My Computer FileSystem SpecialDirectories MyDocuments
70) My Computer FileSystem SpecialDirectories MyMusic
71) My Computer FileSystem SpecialDirectories MyPictures
72) My Computer FileSystem SpecialDirectories Programs
73) My Computer FileSystem SpecialDirectories Temp
74) My Computer FileSystem WriteAllText
75) New FileSystemWatcher(Application StartupPath)
76) Path GetInvalidFileNameChars
77) Path GetInvalidPathChars
78) Read a file by using SeekOrigin
79) Read all text in a text file by using StreamReader
80) Read by using BinaryReader
81) Read byte array and convert it to ASCII string
82) Read byte array and convert it to Unicode string
83) Read byte using FileStream
84) Read from text file
85) Read into a buffer
86) Read text file content in Try Catch block
87) Read text file line by line
88) Read text file to a char array
89) Read text file to the end
90) Read text file to the file end
91) Recover the standard output stream so that a completion message can be displayed
92) Redirect standard output from the console to the output file
93) Save UTF8Encoding string to text file
94) Save various data types to a text file
95) Seek file position
96) Set file attributes
97) Stream read operation
98) Stream seek operation
99) StreamReader
100) Test for a valid directory
101) Use FileStream to write byte array
102) Use Finally clause to close a stream
103) Use FreeFile
104) Use FreeFile to read a text file
105) Use IsolatedStorageFile DeleteFile, DeleteDirectory
106) Use MemoryStream to read a file
107) Use MemoryStream with BinaryWriter and BinaryReader
108) Use MemoryStream with StreamWriter and StreamReader
109) Use pattern(wildcard) to match directories
110) Use pattern(wildcard) to match files
111) Use StreamReader to read text file
112) Use StreamWriter and StreamReader to deal with text file
113) Use TextReader to read text file
114) Use the GetFiles method to return file names from a user-specified location
115) Use the HMACSHA1 hashing function to generate a checksum for a file
116) Use the OpenStandardOutput method
117) Use WriteAllLines to write text to a file
118) Write Bytes using FileStream
119) Write data by using a BinaryWriter